Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas: 12 Days of Cookies Round-up

Its here! Christmas is here! A Child is born....

Well, the Hubby and I spent Christmas eve relaxing. We watched some movies, baked some cookies, ate lots of food, popped a bottle of bubbly, opened gifts, and just enjoyed each others wonderful company!

Signs of a good night!
We also had to deal with some sort of fire damper alarm going off in our apartment...but thats just our luck to have it happen on Christmas eve! It took us about an hour to figure out what number to call. We did not want to call the fire department, because it was not an emergency, but who else would you call? So we called the base operator and they transfered me to about 2 other people and I let them know what was going on, and they said they would be over and lo and behold, it was silenced at about 10:00 or so. Finally!

Well, back to this post. Here is the Round-Up of all the cookies that I made for the 12 Days of Cookies Countdown - Christmas 2010!

CHRISTmas! The hubby and I woke up early and just relaxed. He played his new game, and I plinked around on the internet. Then I made breakfast! We had maple pancakes with fried eggs and canadian bacon, and boy was it yummy! For the pancakes I just used a bisquick base and added in some maple extract and some cinnamon-sugar. You could really taste the maple! Very different and very yummy!

After breakfast, we lounged some more, watched Tron, Get Carter (old one), and then went to the gym. Its been a rainy day so we laid worries though! We are truly enjoying each others company!

Hope your Christmas celebrations went well!



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